Event Details

Intercollege cultural                      extravaganza by Ramakrishna college of arts and science for women.

Intercollege cultural extravaganza by Ramakrishna college of arts and science for women.

  • Competitions
  • 09-Jun-2023

Emminent Students from the PPG college of Pharmacy had participated and anged many prizes in the event of Intercollege cultural extravaganza organised by Ramakrishna college of arts and science for women.

Emminent Students from the PPG college of Pharmacy had participated and anged many prizes in the event of Intercollege cultural extravaganza organised by Ramakrishna college of arts and science for women.

Our students banged 2nd prize in Wealth from Waste; 1st prize in Flamless Cooking ; 2nd prize in Bridal makeup; 1st prize in Fashion walk.